Sunday, February 6, 2011

Advance of the sea swallows beaches in Ceará

WHERE: Brazil. Advance of the sea changes the Brazilian coast.
SOURCE: Youtube/TV Globo-Fantástico (audio in portuguese)

Ceará state, BRAZIL - On the coast of Ceará urban areas are disappearing, buildings, houses, streets are swallowed by the accelerated advance of the sea. At least one city has declared a state of emergency right now.

The power of destruction of the water is changing the landscape quickly. Residents are being displaced. In the city of Icapuí ten houses had to be demolished before they were felled by the sea.

Researchers reported that the advance reaches ten meters per year in some beaches cearences. The containment work that began to be made to try to stop the sea advance has been swallowed too, even before to be concluded. Scientists blame global warming for the phenomenon.

Other headlines shows that the phenomenon is occurring in others places of the country. Headlines like these:
Mar advances on homes in Florianopolis (Santa Catarina state, southern Brazil)
Mar advances in Cabo Frio (Rio de Janeiro state, southeastern Brazil)
Sea progresses and destroys wall of condo on Icaraí (Rio de Janeiro state, Sudeten region of Brazil)

SOURCE: CE: avanço acelerado do mar preocupa moradores e causa prejuízos.
IN Jornal Floripa published in 01/29/2011

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